About Me
Born in Houston, Texas, I have lived in the Houston Metropolitan Area my entire life. I have life-long friends all over the country that date back to elementary school through college, while I stayed with my parental unit and family in the same house. A rare phenomenon!
I attended Texas A&M University and received a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education and a Master of Science in Safety Education.
I taught high school drafting in The Woodlands, Texas for two years.
I got married and became employed in the commercial drafting industry for four years.
My husband and I started a family, and a family business in the same year. We raised three children and a thriving business for the next four decades. I had two very small businesses of my own, mostly hobby-like. Working with my husband allowed us to raise our own children in lieu of using childcare services. That was an important goal met for us.

The Stars Aligned …
The stars aligned at exactly the right time to provide this unique opportunity for me, on the day that I learned of the Touched By A Horse program. Although I was approaching retirement, reading about it caused my heart to beat faster! I immediately felt a draw. Several weeks passed before I allowed myself any thoughts of turning my husband’s and my lives upside down, so that I could start a new career in my own direction. It was a divine push of many, many small signs, encouraging nudges, and my own unrealized passion that provided me with the perseverance to pursue this new vision.
For two years I read and re-read the prescribed books, completed hundreds of hours of lessons, attended intensive trainings, both in person and online, passed written Exams, and completed business requirements and registrations.
A certified Equine Gestaltist™ can make a difference that is life-changing.
Gestalt and the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method
EGCM® Definition: The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® was developed by Melisa Pearce, a core founder since 1989, of the horse human healing movement. The experiential nature of the method involves the horse as an active partner with the coach in the client’s exploratory process. The integrative approach of the equine’s interaction combined with positive coaching, somatic awareness guidance and Gestalt methodology, assists the client in examining their life and choices made with a focus on designing a positive future. ©Melisa Pearce
Meet Empy

Empy is a grey Arabian gelding. He is highly sensitive, friendly, and caring. His name is short for Emphatic dda, which is his registered name. Empy was born a true Gestaltist coach, although he didn’t know it. Horses naturally have an extremely developed set of energy sensors, and they want to help each other and humans every chance they get.
“I grew up with horses in my life, and totally expected to be able to communicate with Empy when we first met. But, it’s safe to say he took it to a level way higher than I had anticipated. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to our next meeting!”
– Client